Monday, February 2, 2009

What Is A Woman?

I want to be a woman...

How does a woman think?

A real woman doesn't embarrass easily
and she knows how to make good decisions.

So why do I always cry at the first sign of rain
and use foul language when I can't express my feelings?

A real woman will brush her shoulders off
and not care what other people say;
she always thinks before she speaks.

So why do I always belittle myself
and compare myself to others
or lie because telling the truth hurts too much?

A real woman is patient,
she knows how to fix and get over her mistakes.

So why do I always lose confidence in myself
or always expect the worst to happen?

Now I'm in transition.
I know who I want to be.
I know who I don't want to be.

I'm seemingly stuck in my little girl ways
while grasping for my womanhood.
It's like losing a baby tooth
and waiting for the new tooth to grow in.

Who knew that becoming a woman was like
being born and starting all over again?

I'm tired of being a girl.

I want to be a woman....


1 comment:

Shadrock said...

I was afraid of becoming a man
But now at a time where the childish things
Have been put asunder
Time has obviously taken it's tole

Embarrassment and rejection has come it's way
Even with good decisions
Regret was present

No crying at the sign of a storm
Just blessings being showered upon
Good or bad
It must be for a reason

Foul language is just part of what I am feeling
Brushing my shoulders off verbally
Always speaking what I think
So I am thinking before I speak

Physically and mentally too big
Very hard to really belittle myself
Not like the others
No time wasting to compare with them

Lying cause the truth does hurt
But the truth can only be hidden for so long

Patients is virtuous
Many trials and tribulations
Has thought me so

With endless planing and meditation
Mistakes has thought me a lot
And fix for an easier trod through life

Knowing myself has increased my confidence
But expecting the worst to happen
Cause life is full of disappointments

Day by day transition
Not forgetting where I come from
Surly know where I am going

Stuck in my young ways
But not much worries
I must always humble myself

Once a clean face baby
Now a face full of hair
For my manhood

It felt like part of me died
But resurrection I am starting all over again