I wasted my time and went to the TB clinic today. They didn't do sh*t. I had already prepared myself for my death sentence. They were more concerned about me filling out my paper work correctly than they were about my health. It seems the doctors are all too lazy to do their damn jobs. How can it be that I've been sick off and on for the past 8 months and the doctors don't seem to know what the problem is? I've been doing my research on all of my symptoms. It all started back in October when I first got sick with a throat infection in my lymph nodes. I went to the doctor and was prescribed some weak antibiotics. They didn't work completely. I went back to the doctor and he told me that the swelling in my throat would go away in a few days. It took nearly three weeks for my throat to completely clear up. I was sick off and on for the next 2 months. Recently I did some research and I discovered that an infection of your lymph nodes can lead to pneumonia if you don't receive proper medical treatment. Surprise, surprise! I caught pneumonia in February and was hospitalized in March. WTF! I wish I had known this. The doctors were taking advantage of my ignorance of medical science. I took some x-rays and had a cat-scan in the hospital. The doctors prescribed me some more weak antibiotics for 10 days and told me I should be fine in a few weeks. By the middle of April I was coughing and still having pain in my right lung. I went to the doctor where they performed more x-rays and another cat-scan. The doctor went on vacation and I didn't get my results back for almost two weeks. His stupid nurse called and gave me the news.
"The doctor found something in your right lung but he said it will go away in a few weeks."
A few weeks? Haven't I heard this somewhere before? The weeks go by and suddenly it's June. Nothing has changed. I still have coughing fits in the middle of the night and I can't take comfortable deep breaths. I go BACK to the doctor and demand better treatment. Their version of better treatment was taking more pointless x-rays. I was also given a TB (tuberculosis) test. Within hours after being given the TB test (vaccine) I start coughing up phlegm and my lungs are burning. What the hell did they do to me? The next morning I wake up and my right arms has a huge, red, itchy, inflammation from where they tested me. I decided to do my own research on the internet and I found that pneumonia and TB go hand in hand. If a person isn't treated correctly for pneumonia then they can easily become exposed to tuberculosis. Ain't that some sh*t? In order to test positive for TB the inflammation on the arm has to be between 5mm to 10mm. My inflammation was 20mm! So I'm ordered to go the the TB clinic. I got there this morning to beat the crowd and long lines. The place was infested with gnats and ants. Certainly if a person didn't already have a disease before they came here they would have one after leaving! The nurse called my name and I followed her into the examining room. There were blood stains on her uniform. I didn't want her to touch me. Ugh. I seriously wanted to just go home at that point. She began asking me a series of annoying questions.
"Have you tested positive for HIV or AIDS? Are you pregnant? Do you use needles or drugs? Do you smoke? Are you homeless? Have you ever been in jail or prison?....Blah, blah, blah."
Good Lord Almighty! What a waste of time! It's been a week since my TB test and I still have a red, itchy, painful bump on my arm. I was told that it would go away in a few days. I showed it to the nurse. Her eyes bulged.
"Whoa...You have definitely been exposed to TB. But the swelling on your arm will go away in a few days." Yeah, right. The blood stains on her uniform were making me sick. She led me to the radiology room where I took some more pointless x-rays. Haven't they seen enough? The same sh*t. Too much radiation can give a person cancer. I've had two cat scans and five x-rays in the past four months. But after doing my own research I know for a fact that you can't diagnose someone with TB by giving them an x-ray. Other tests HAVE to be performed. They were going to need samples from my lungs and stomach. It could take weeks before a doctor would know if I had TB or not. I asked the nurse what other tests were they going to give me and she said I would only be getting x-rays. A few minutes after I was done she came to give me my x-ray results from the doctor. I saw her talk to the doctor and then they started to laugh. She put on a mask and came into the waiting room. I know that wearing a mask wasn't necessary unless you are around someone who is contagious. I was the only one in the room.
"....Uh....." the nurse was holding my results and she seemed nervous. "The doctor says he didn't see any TB in your lungs. You don't have TB." I knew she was lying. Why was she suddenly wearing a mask? There was no one else in the room. I also knew that you can't determine whether or not if a person has TB by giving them an x-ray.
"Well," I said. "If it's not TB then what is it? Do I still have pneumonia?"
"I don't know. The doctor didn't say. We only specialize in TB. You'll have to go back to your regular doctor and see what they can do for you." The b*tch was lying to me.
"I'm going to need something in writing," I demanded.
"You'll get your official results in the mail in two to three weeks," she said. WTF?!
"No," I told her, "I want something in writing today. I want proof." Finally the nurse gave in and decided to give me a document stating that my x-rays were neither normal or abnormal but "pending". What the hell does that mean? No where on the document did it state that I did NOT have TB. Honestly, I believe I have dormant TB. My TB test was positive and above average. I'm not stupid. Over the past few days I have been discussing with my family about suing these medical clinics for lack of treatment and failure to follow up and disgusting sanitary conditions. Tomorrow I'll be going home for the holiday and I'll also be talking with my lawyer there. Why do the doctors keep shrugging me off and telling me I will be okay in "a few weeks" ? It just doesn't make any sense for a person to go from having infected lymph nodes, to pneumonia, to tuberculosis. What's next? My death bed?
"The doctor found something in your right lung but he said it will go away in a few weeks."
A few weeks? Haven't I heard this somewhere before? The weeks go by and suddenly it's June. Nothing has changed. I still have coughing fits in the middle of the night and I can't take comfortable deep breaths. I go BACK to the doctor and demand better treatment. Their version of better treatment was taking more pointless x-rays. I was also given a TB (tuberculosis) test. Within hours after being given the TB test (vaccine) I start coughing up phlegm and my lungs are burning. What the hell did they do to me? The next morning I wake up and my right arms has a huge, red, itchy, inflammation from where they tested me. I decided to do my own research on the internet and I found that pneumonia and TB go hand in hand. If a person isn't treated correctly for pneumonia then they can easily become exposed to tuberculosis. Ain't that some sh*t? In order to test positive for TB the inflammation on the arm has to be between 5mm to 10mm. My inflammation was 20mm! So I'm ordered to go the the TB clinic. I got there this morning to beat the crowd and long lines. The place was infested with gnats and ants. Certainly if a person didn't already have a disease before they came here they would have one after leaving! The nurse called my name and I followed her into the examining room. There were blood stains on her uniform. I didn't want her to touch me. Ugh. I seriously wanted to just go home at that point. She began asking me a series of annoying questions.
"Have you tested positive for HIV or AIDS? Are you pregnant? Do you use needles or drugs? Do you smoke? Are you homeless? Have you ever been in jail or prison?....Blah, blah, blah."
Good Lord Almighty! What a waste of time! It's been a week since my TB test and I still have a red, itchy, painful bump on my arm. I was told that it would go away in a few days. I showed it to the nurse. Her eyes bulged.
"Whoa...You have definitely been exposed to TB. But the swelling on your arm will go away in a few days." Yeah, right. The blood stains on her uniform were making me sick. She led me to the radiology room where I took some more pointless x-rays. Haven't they seen enough? The same sh*t. Too much radiation can give a person cancer. I've had two cat scans and five x-rays in the past four months. But after doing my own research I know for a fact that you can't diagnose someone with TB by giving them an x-ray. Other tests HAVE to be performed. They were going to need samples from my lungs and stomach. It could take weeks before a doctor would know if I had TB or not. I asked the nurse what other tests were they going to give me and she said I would only be getting x-rays. A few minutes after I was done she came to give me my x-ray results from the doctor. I saw her talk to the doctor and then they started to laugh. She put on a mask and came into the waiting room. I know that wearing a mask wasn't necessary unless you are around someone who is contagious. I was the only one in the room.
"....Uh....." the nurse was holding my results and she seemed nervous. "The doctor says he didn't see any TB in your lungs. You don't have TB." I knew she was lying. Why was she suddenly wearing a mask? There was no one else in the room. I also knew that you can't determine whether or not if a person has TB by giving them an x-ray.
"Well," I said. "If it's not TB then what is it? Do I still have pneumonia?"
"I don't know. The doctor didn't say. We only specialize in TB. You'll have to go back to your regular doctor and see what they can do for you." The b*tch was lying to me.
"I'm going to need something in writing," I demanded.
"You'll get your official results in the mail in two to three weeks," she said. WTF?!
"No," I told her, "I want something in writing today. I want proof." Finally the nurse gave in and decided to give me a document stating that my x-rays were neither normal or abnormal but "pending". What the hell does that mean? No where on the document did it state that I did NOT have TB. Honestly, I believe I have dormant TB. My TB test was positive and above average. I'm not stupid. Over the past few days I have been discussing with my family about suing these medical clinics for lack of treatment and failure to follow up and disgusting sanitary conditions. Tomorrow I'll be going home for the holiday and I'll also be talking with my lawyer there. Why do the doctors keep shrugging me off and telling me I will be okay in "a few weeks" ? It just doesn't make any sense for a person to go from having infected lymph nodes, to pneumonia, to tuberculosis. What's next? My death bed?
1 comment:
Wow, this is fucked up Gem. The medical industry is nothing but a big joke. Please go out and get a book on Natural Cures and Remedies. I hate doctors and hospitals. The key is to eat right. I cant even tell you how long its been since i've even gotton a cold.
Talk to a lawyer and see what he can do. Maybe it will get them to properly diagnose you.
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